Greetings, dudes.
I'm D.A. Smith. This is my webpage, and this is about as complicated as it'll get, aesthetically speaking. I like Lynx-friendly pages. Mine mostly qualifies as such.
Some stuff to check out:
Quotations, dregs from the word-hoard, nebulous ideas-
i.e., my
digital commonplace book. I keep forgetting to add to it.
Years ago my novel Axis Mundi Sum was published by Invisible College
Press. ICP has ceased operations and the book is out of print, but copies are still available on Amazon (sometimes at insane algorithm-generated
prices), and the
e-book still appears to be available. If you really want it in .mobi or .epub formats, email me.
A list of things I haven't found using Google.
Million Short, a cool way to search the web that lets you eliminate all the big sites that choke
search results.
The Third of the Storms. Excellent heavy metal reviews written by
a comrade.
The books I read in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018,
2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024. As
2014, I've included brief remarks on each book.
Leafpad, a text editor I like.
Two useful Chinese dictionaries: The MDBG Chinese-English dictionary, and the
Chinese-only Moe dictionary.
The Dicionario Priberam da Lingua Portuguesa, a fine Lusophone equivalent to the above
dictionaries, should you be translating to or from Portuguese and English. (Apologies for the lack of accent marks; my text editor is giving me shit.), a wonderful archive of textfiles maintained by Jason Scott.
Clepsidra, a volume of poetry by the Portuguese poet Camilo
Pessanha. I've translated a number of his poems over at my blog, and will eventually have a page dedicated to them (and the
Macau Antigo, dedicated to the history of Macau. One of my favorite
blogs, and one of the main reasons I started learning Portuguese.
A number of fine Chinese poems in English and traditional/simplified hanzi.
Speaking of China, here's my commentary on my trip to the Middle Kingdom in the summer of
Meeting info for the Science Fiction Book Club. I have not kept up
with this, nor will I, it seems.
An incomplete list of the whiskies my wife's given me each Christmas.
Check out StoryStudio (formerly Gushi) for stories in Chinese about all sorts of things. I've been digging it a
The website of artist Shinya Komatsu, whose work I first encountered on the cover of Wallflower's Out to Sea EP. Good stuff (both the art
and the EP).
The most memorable Skarfing
Material recipe ever, from the October 1989 issue of
Luminarium, a pleasantly old-school and in-depth website dedicated to English literature between the medieval period and the
18th century., a text-only form of Google News suitable for old browsers and people who don't like visual bullshit.
Last, and unquestionably least, some remarks about yours
truly, 'cause everyone loves a capsule biography.
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