Science Fiction Book Club, est. 2014

If you're reading this, you know who we are and what we do.

One day I'll get around to adding all the books and films we've read/watched and discussed, for posterity's sake.

April/May 2018: I chose Invisible Planets: An Anthology of Contemporary Chinese SF in Translation, edited by Ken Liu, and the film is Richard Linklater's PKD adaptation, A Scanner Darkly. Meeting dates are April 23 and May 14, respectively.

February/March 2018: Tracey chose The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin, and the film is A.I., with The Fifth Element as lagniappe. Meeting dates are February 26 for the movie, and March 26 for the book.

December 2017/January 2018: Natalia chose Feed, by M.T. Anderson, and Metropolis, by Fritz Lang. There was also a supplementary meeting to discuss Mary Doria Russell's Children of God.
